Bovine Johne's Disease Yes You Can Do Something About It

Good herd management and a regular testing programme volition control Johne'south disease.

Y'all Tin control Johne's disease in a herd with two basic steps: stop new infections from occurring in calves and eliminate the source of infection. Command of Johne's disease takes time and a strong commitment to direction practices focused on keeping young calves away from contaminated manure, milk, water, etc. A typical herd clean-up program may take five years or longer. Faster clean-up programs are possible, but they are usually more expensive. The basics of control are simple: new infections must be prevented, and animals with the infection must exist identified and removed from the herd.

Below we explain more details. However, the best advice volition come from your herd veterinarian who knows the specifics of your operation.

#1 Eliminate the MAP infection sources from your here by testing and alternative infected cows

Two basic types of tests are available for Johne's illness: tests focusing on the bacterium (MAP) in manure and tests for antibodies in blood using ELISA engineering. PCR on manure samples is more sensitive than ELISA at detecting MAP-infected cattle, but the ELISA is faster and cheaper. Typically, ELISA is recommended for commercial moo-cow-calf producers and PCR on manure samples is recommended for cattle breeders. For a comprehensive discussion of diagnostic tests readers should go to the diagnostics section of this site.

Annual testing of developed cattle in the herd permits an owner to observe and cull the subclinical (i.e., still salubrious, merely MAP-infected) cows that are shedding the organism on the premises. Testing should be timed to happen shortly earlier calving seasons to insure that no examination-positive animals are effectually newly born calves. If a whole herd test is not feasible, for a fractional herd test sampling should focus on the older animals and those in poorer body status.

#ii Choose off-spring of examination-positive cows

Off-bound of exam-positive cows are at risk for MAP-infection. Depending on the value of the beast and how aggressively y'all want to control Johne's disease, culling of these animals may be advisable. They tin can exist retained until market place weight with minimal risk of MAP infection spread. They should NOT, however, be considered as good herd replacements.

The rationale behind this is that MAP bacteria are excreted not only in feces simply also straight into colostrum and milk and tin can too infect the unborn fetus. For beef cattle, in contrast to dairy cattle, manual of MAP is more likely to occur from dam to off-leap given the time the cow-dogie pair are together. Consequently, the highest risk of infection follows family lines: daughters of MAP-infected cows have a greater likelihood of beingness infected than do daughters of not-infected cows. So, herd owners wishing to make most rapid progress toward emptying of Johne's disease from their herd will be well brash to cull daughters of ELISA- or PCR-positive cows starting with the final daughter born and working backwards in calving history.

Still, the calf rearing environment and direction will profoundly influence risk of infection. On operations where young calves are confined for longer times with infected adult cattle shedding MAP in their manure, the risk of manual from adults to non-offspring calves can be significant.

#3 Correct herd and environmental direction facilitating MAP transmission.

While working hard to control the infection, remember non to undo all your good work past re-introducing MAP. Every bit discussed in the Prevention section, avert bringing cattle into your herd from unknown sources. This can happen past leasing bulls, purchasing dairy cows (which have a higher incidence of Johne's disease than beef cattle) for nurse cows, fertilizing pastures with manure from other herds (particularly dairy herds) or implanting a valuable embryo in a salubrious-looking but MAP-infected recipient moo-cow, who and then produces an infected calf.

Here are some specifics:

  • Ponds that drain contaminated pastures may harbor MAP for over a year and are very potent means of infection spread and so they should be fenced off. Clean well water in make clean stock tanks should be provided. If manure-contamination of water troughs occurs, be aware when cleaning the troughs that the organism collects in the sediment. Don't only dump it on the footing; discard it abroad from calves.
  • Over-crowding in wet dingy lots should be avoided, particularly during calving flavor. If cattle are gathered upwardly for calving, the pasture, calving pens and the cows should be kept every bit clean and dry every bit possible. Dam and newborn calf should be removed from the calving area to a lower risk environment as shortly equally possible.
  • Some producers gear up up hutches to shelter calves during bad atmospheric condition. The hutches are small enough to allow the calves to enter but likewise small for cows, limiting the build-up of and exposure to potentially MAP-contaminated adult manure.
  • Motion your mineral feeder away from h2o sources, reducing congestion and heavy manure contamination in the drinking surface area.
  • Hay bales/rolls for winter feeding should be placed in dissimilar sites to prevent aggregating of contaminated carrion in one area (areas which are often congregation sites for susceptible calves).
  • Grazing contaminated pastures is a possible means of infection transmission. Adult animals are at depression risk for becoming infected by this road. Till contaminated pastures and wait for time and environmental conditions (repeated changes in temperature, minimize shaded soil by cut grass/crops/shrubs) to kill off MAP on fields. While a majority of the organisms die within iii months, a pocket-sized population can remain for upwards to a twelvemonth. Put off stocking contaminated pasture with young animals every bit long as feasible.

#4 Calf direction

For dairy herds, artificial rearing of calves is 1 of the most effective paratuberculosis control methods. This technique is rarely an selection for cow-calf operators, but some modest herds effort hand rearing with make clean colostrum and milk replacer for a few select calves. However, there'due south a proficient adventure that the dogie was born infected if the dam is test-positive.

Prevention is far more cost-constructive than control later infection. If herds are infected, a steady consistently applied control program will succeed and potentially eradicate the MAP infection. The foundation of a Johne's control program in cow-calf operations is a test-and-cull program.

#five Special circumstances with bulls and valuable cows.

Valuable cows.

To "rescue" the genetics of valuable cows, embryo transfer is considered a condom ways of producing non-infected calves from infected cows. Thorough embryo washing is required and careful selection of paratuberculosis-free recipients is a must.


Purchase of MAP-infected bulls should exist avoided by requesting the Johne's disease herd examination history from bull owners. These bulls present much more of a risk through their MAP-contaminated manure vs. their MAP-contaminated semen. Although MAP has been cultured from bovine semen, few if any cases of breeding-transmitted MAP infections have been documented. Sectional utilise of artificial insemination is the only alternative.


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