how to draw y in 3d letters

In this tutorial I will showcase 3 different approaches for creating unproblematic 3D lettering furnishings in the context of poster pattern. Onward and upward we go!


I will commencement off by drawing the alphabetic character-forms for the iii words "ONWARD," "AND" and "Upward." From in that location I volition bear witness three means to create unproblematic, even so interesting 3D effects. 3D is the latest craze (Encounter: nearly every movie that has come out in the terminal two years) merely my interests are in 3-Dimensional lettering that has old schoolhouse, subtle, simple, imperfect, more humanistic qualities. Drawing inspiration from vintage poster lettering, and overall aesthetics, everything will be wrapped together to create the full poster design.

Cartoon Lettering

As always, good lettering starts with a sketch. You just demand to get the basic idea and composition. The bones idea for this tut is that the poster volition be split diagonally and the messages will get from big to small-scale (and vise versa).

Step 1a

This sketch is very rough and is basically there to reference when really creating the lines in Adobe Illustrator (AI).

Step 1b

Open a new document in AI and paste in the sketch. Lock it in identify.

Footstep 2

Create exterior guides loosely based on the sketch (Drag from the Rulers).

Footstep 3a

Side by side, we'll create diagonal guides. Create another guide, only while still selected go Command-click > Transform > Rotate.

Footstep 3b

In the prompt window enter an Bending of 33 and hitting OK.

Step 3c

The guide is now diagonal. Copy another guide (Click + Drag + Shift) in a higher place and below. All guides are now setup.

Pace 4a

Next, referencing the sketch and beginning drawing the letterforms using the Pen Tool. The color/line-weight doesn't matter at this indicate, they volition be addressed later on. Too, as mentioned previously, the basic idea is that the letters volition get from big to small along the diagonal.

Step 4b

Using the guides as starting points, be certain to proceed the vertical lines on the letter-forms precise by belongings shift while drawing. It might exist easier to draw if yous hide the sketch (Toggle the eye icon in the layers palette).

Pace 4c

The showtime word, "ONWARD," is complete.

Step 5a

Next, use the diagonal guides and describe the word "AND." At that place isn't a reference for this in the sketch, only the idea is to depict the letters between the iii diagonal guides. Sometimes, I like to start with the center letter and work my piece of work out from there.

Step 5b

Finished the word "AND." Call back, the letterforms can accept some variance and unique characteristics, but they still demand to stay independent inside the guidelines.

Stride 6a

Moving on to the third give-and-take, "Upwards."

Step 6b

We're getting closer. Also, just an FYI, I often toggle on and off the sketch to see how the letterform should be drawn.

Step 6c

Tip: Smart Guides will make cartoon on the guides and keeping things contained/precise a swell bargain easier.

Step 6d

Here are the completed vector letterforms, shown compared to the sketch.

Multiply and Motion

Finally, we go to the 3D effects. Let'south start elementary, with a bones approach.

Step 7a

Using the Round Rectangle Tool, draw a background shape/color (C:thirty, Y:x) that aligns with the left and peak/bottom guides. And ship them to back (Shift + Command + Left Subclass key).

Stride 7b

Change the "ONWARD" to a white fill.

Stride 7c

Next, select the "ONWARD" lettering and Re-create > Paste in Front (Command + F). While holding shift, move it diagonally (approx. to the center diagonal guide). Change the fill color to 50% of the background color (C:xv, Y:5).

Pace 7d

With the "ONWARD" lettering selected, in the Transparency palette, merely change the blending manner to Multiply. That's information technology, a simple, vintage looking 3D event.

Draw and Multiply

Next, we tackle a slightly more complicated effect. This volition have more than drawing of shapes, and uses the same blending style equally the previous approach, but with a different 3-Dimensional effect. The basic idea is that by drawing shapes that overlap and applying the Multiply blending mode, information technology will create a darker tertiary color to reach the 3D upshot. The trick is getting the hang of how to draw the shapes. Its hard to explicate exactly the process of how to draw the shapes, only seeing it help will aid. Here we become!

Pace 8a

With the "AND" lettering selected, change it to an orangish fill (M: 35, Y: 85).

Pace 8b

Making sure Smart Guides is active, start cartoon inside the shapes of the "AND" letterform using the Pen Tool. These shapes should take a darker orange make full color (Thousand: 75, Y:100). You should beginning to run into the 3D effect.

Footstep 8c

To complete the interior shape of the "D" within the discussion "AND," select the two right bezier points and Copy, Deselect all and Paste in Front. Then continue drawing the shape.

Step 8d

With the "AND" interior shapes drawn the 3D effect is apparent.

Step 8e

To really make the outcome 'pop,' same every bit to a higher place, change the blending style of the "AND" lettering to Multiply.

Drawn Traditional Colour

The third 3D effect uses a more traditional approach of cartoon the 3D shapes, extruding from the existing lettering. These letterforms will take a nice, thick 3D outcome, achieved through cartoon three shades of a color.

Footstep 9

Change the color of the "UPWARD" lettering to a light brown (C:25, Chiliad:40, Y:65).

Stride 10a

Again, brand certain Smart Guides is active. Outset by using the existing points, use the Copy + Paste in Front method, so draw outside the shapes of the "Upwards" letterform using the Pen Tool. Color with a medium brown (C: 30, Thou: 50, Y: 75, K:10).

Footstep 10b

To keep the 3D consistency, and with the magic of Smart Guides, use a 45 degree angle for the 3D shapes.

Step 10c

Keep coinciding with the exterior background shape and continue hammering out the medium brown shapes.

Step 10d

Here is shown the medium brownish shapes finished.

Step 11a

To stop this off it should be fairly obvious, we need to draw the darkest shade of dark-brown (C: 35, M: 60, Y: 80, Thou:25) for the letterforms. In many areas you may exist able to but draw dark brown shapes over the gap of existing shapes.

Step 11b

Apply copies of the existing light brown shapes and the Decrease from shape area pick in the pathfinder palette to create the medium chocolate-brown shapes.

Footstep 11c

The dark brown 3D shapes are at present consummate, as well equally the complete 3D lettering upshot.

Fatigued Traditional Color

Now, to tie this all together and make it look like a real poster. Nosotros'll use a few more shapes, textures and color effects to brand it await like a vintage poster.

Footstep 12a

First, you may notice that there could be a few areas on the "ONWARD" lettering that might have the dark dark-brown color. Let's integrate some textures. First, Copy and Paste in Front end the existing medium brown shape you want to integrate texture within.

Stride 12b

Using textures from my previous tutorial "How to Create a Vector Texture From Scratch," paste the texture into position.

Pace 12c

Once the position is finalized (Tip: check the position with a simple clipping mask), select both the texture and copy of the medium brown shape. Use the Intersect shapes areas option in the Pathfinder palette.

Step 12d

Hit expand in the pathfinder palette and you have texture shades!

Step 13

Apply that process to whatsoever other areas that brand sense. There are some questionable areas that could employ texture but it'southward a judgment call.

Step 14a

Draw a shape that follows the diagonal guides and fill up information technology with a lighter pink color (M: 35, Y: 21). Add a point on the center diagonal guide and make the calorie-free pink shape expect similar a banner shape.

Step 14b

Alter the colour of the original "AND" lettering to white and scale the banner shape up (so it doesn't get lost in the other lettering).

Step 15

Next, lets brand this a scrap more than fun. Draw an quondam biplane flight through the letters, with a white string connecting the banner and a dotted white line coming from the banner.

Footstep 16

And finally, to really give it that vintage, muted tone. Draw a calorie-free xanthous (Y:half-dozen) rectangle over the unabridged document and change the blending manner to Saturation. Impress!

Final Paradigm

Some of this info is fairly straightforward, but hopefully there were a few bits in there that yous could learn from. The final image is beneath. You can view the large version here. Cheers!


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